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By Andrew Duncan

Hi I’m Andrew Duncan and I’ve built a top-selling real estate team in Tampa. I just moved to LPT Realty after being with REMAX for years. The splits are better, the revenue share is better, and it’s honestly the perfect business model now that we can build on the existing success of proven cloud brokerage models. I invite you to check out LPT Realty. Move your license over to us. We’re a brokerage focused on listings and profitability.

Join LPT Realty Today. Let’s make a plan to move your license . Talk to Andrew

Today we’re focusing on lead-to-appointment conversion and practical strategies you can implement to convert more leads into appointments. Real estate agents often get excited about leads, but it’s the appointments that give you the opportunity to help someone buy or sell a house. Here are three essential tips to elevate your conversion game, blending old school with new school techniques.

1. Handwritten Thank You Notes

One timeless approach is sending handwritten thank you notes. When you get a lead, write a personalized note thanking them for the opportunity to work together. This small gesture can differentiate you from other agents and make you memorable. To take it a step further, include an item of value like a $1 scratch-off lottery ticket or a small gift card. These thoughtful additions make your thank you note stand out even more and create a positive impression.

“By implementing these three tips, you can improve your lead-to-appointment conversion rates.”

2. Add Value by Addressing Pain Points

Another effective strategy is to add value to your leads by addressing their specific pain points. Find out what information they need or what concerns they have. Are they looking for details about local schools, restaurants, or neighborhoods? Send them relevant videos or resources that provide valuable information without being too salesy. When leads see that you’re genuinely trying to help them, they are more likely to want to meet with you.

3. Use Calendly for Easy Scheduling

Embrace modern technology by using Calendly to simplify the appointment-setting process. Adding a Calendly link to your follow-up plans and email signatures allows consumers to schedule appointments at their convenience without having to call you. This eliminates unnecessary steps and makes it easier for potential clients to book time with you. However, if your schedule is tight, consider setting up a blank Calendly where they can request an appointment, allowing you to manage your availability and ensure you can accommodate their preferred times.

By implementing these three tips, you can improve your lead-to-appointment conversion rates. Handwritten notes create a personal touch, adding value builds trust, and using Calendly streamlines the scheduling process. If you have any questions, feel free to call us.