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By Andrew Duncan

Hi I’m Andrew Duncan and I’ve built a top-selling real estate team in Tampa. I just moved to LPT Realty after being with REMAX for years. The splits are better, the revenue share is better, and it’s honestly the perfect business model now that we can build on the existing success of proven cloud brokerage models. I invite you to check out LPT Realty. Move your license over to us. We’re a brokerage focused on listings and profitability.

Join LPT Realty Today. Let’s make a plan to move your license . Talk to Andrew

Burnout is a real threat in the fast-paced world of real estate, especially when the market gets tough. But it doesn’t have to be your fate. Today on the Do Over Movement, I’m sharing three hard-won lessons from my 20-year career to help you build a thriving real estate business without burning the candle at both ends.

First Tip: Take Time Off. I worked seven days a week early in my career, taking appointments whenever possible. I quickly realized that working nonstop led to burnout, affected my relationships, and caused me to neglect my health. I’ve learned the importance of protecting my weekends. If you can’t take the whole weekend off, start with one day a week. Remember, nobody has ever died because you didn’t get back to them within 24 hours. This isn’t life-saving work—you’re helping people buy and sell real estate. Taking regular time off is crucial for recharging your energy and maintaining creativity.

“Burnout may seem inevitable in real estate, but it doesn't have to define your journey.”

Second Tip: Take Vacations. You need a vacation every quarter; by vacation, I mean entirely disconnecting from work. Turn off your phone, forward your email, and let someone else handle your clients. It’s a limiting belief to think no one can take care of your clients as well as you can. Trust others, and take the time to truly relax. At the end of your life, you’ll remember the vacations you took, not the sales you missed.

Third Tip: Pursue Your Passions. One of the best ways I’ve found to avoid burnout is by incorporating my passions into my business. For me, that’s cars. I’ve woven my love for cars into my real estate business by using them in marketing and connecting with clients with the same interests. Whether it’s cars, sports, or another hobby, find a way to integrate what you love into your work. This makes work more enjoyable and helps prevent burnout by adding a personal touch to your business.

Burnout may seem inevitable in real estate, but it doesn’t have to define your journey. By applying the three essential lessons I’ve gathered over two decades, you can cultivate a sustainable and prosperous career that not only withstands market pressures but also preserves your well-being.

Remember, success isn’t just about closing deals; it’s about creating a balanced life where your business thrives without compromising your passion or health. Let’s reshape the way we approach real estate, ensuring longevity and fulfillment for the long haul. If you’re ready to take control of your career and achieve lasting success without burnout, don’t hesitate to contact