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By Andrew Duncan

Hi I’m Andrew Duncan and I’ve built a top-selling real estate team in Tampa. I just moved to LPT Realty after being with REMAX for years. The splits are better, the revenue share is better, and it’s honestly the perfect business model now that we can build on the existing success of proven cloud brokerage models. I invite you to check out LPT Realty. Move your license over to us. We’re a brokerage focused on listings and profitability.

Join LPT Realty Today. Let’s make a plan to move your license . Talk to Andrew

Hi, I’m Andrew Duncan, formerly with a different company, and now proudly associated with LPT Realty. Today, I’m thrilled to share something very close to my heart — the launch of the Duover Movement. This initiative represents a pivotal shift in my career, driven by a deep-seated passion for mentoring real estate agents across the nation to elevate their businesses to new heights.

Throughout my journey, I’ve been fortunate to lead a successful team, but I always felt my ability to help was constrained by the team’s size. Transitioning to LPT Realty opened my eyes to the vast potential of aiding agents everywhere. The Duover Movement is my platform to share the insights I’ve gathered over the years, not just from my experiences but also through conversations with some of the leading minds in real estate.

“My vision is to create a supportive space where agents can not only thrive but achieve unprecedented levels of success.”

The essence of the Duover Movement revolves around three fundamental goals:

1. Preventing the do-over. I’ve seen firsthand the common mistakes that can set agents back. My mission is to provide you with the knowledge and insights to navigate your career efficiently, avoiding the pitfalls that necessitate a do-over.

2. Navigating through a do-over. For those in the midst of reassessing their strategies, I’m here to offer a wealth of resources. From comprehensive training materials to innovative marketing strategies and tools, I aim to guide you through your transformation, leveraging the collective wisdom of industry leaders.

3. Fostering wealth building. Beyond recovery and prevention, my goal is to teach agents how to amass wealth. I’m passionate about helping you build a substantial business that not only allows for team growth but also opens doors to real estate investments and other avenues for wealth generation.

The Duover Movement is more than a resource; it’s a community dedicated to the success and growth of real estate professionals. Whether you’re aiming to circumvent common obstacles, overhaul your business strategy, or pursue wealth building, this platform is designed to deliver significant value.

Stay engaged with the Duover Movement for an array of wealth-building strategies, investment tips, and insights into running a successful business. My vision is to create a supportive space where agents can not only thrive but also achieve unprecedented levels of success.

If you’re ready to take your real estate career to the next level, avoid unnecessary setbacks, or embark on a wealth-building journey, don’t forget to call; the Duover Movement is here to support you every step of the way. Join me, and let’s navigate the path to excellence in the real estate industry together.